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Protect Your Business From An Axe Throwing Accident

Written by Mike Carlin | Jan 30, 2024

Axe throwing has surged in popularity as a thrilling and unique entertainment activity, but with its rise comes a need for caution. The recent incident at BullsEye Axe Lounge serves as a stark reminder of the risks involved.

This blog will discuss the dangers of axe throwing, the importance of insurance in safeguarding businesses against such accidents, and why, even without a measurable injury rate, awareness and preparedness are crucial. For businesses hosting axe throwing activities, understanding these risks and taking appropriate measures is key to ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all.

Understanding Axe Throwing Risks

Axe throwing may appear simple - picking up an axe and throwing it at a target. Yet, it's fraught with potential hazards. At the BullsEye Axe Lounge in Burr Ridge, IL, a woman was using a double-sided axe and struck herself in the back of the head, suffering lacerations and a possible traumatic brain injury. In another incident caught on video, a Colorado woman had her axe bounce off the target and fly back at her head, narrowly missing her.

These accidents, among others, underscore the reality of these dangers. While the axe throwing injury rate isn't precisely measured, the risks are apparent. Factors like improper handling, inadequate safety measures, and environmental conditions can all contribute to axe throwing accidents. It's imperative for axe throwing venues to recognize these risks to prevent incidents.

Types of Axe Throwing Accidents

Axe throwing accidents can range from minor to severe. Common incidents include slips and falls, axe misfires, or bystanders being accidentally hit. The key to prevention lies in properly throwing the axe, which requires skill and training.

Inexperienced participants, especially in settings like axe throwing bars, where alcohol might impair judgment, are at higher risk. Understanding these scenarios helps in formulating safety protocols and training programs to significantly reduce the likelihood of axe throwing accidents.

The Role of Insurance in Axe Throwing Venues

Insurance is a critical aspect of running an axe throwing business. It provides financial protection against claims resulting from axe throwing injuries and accidents. General liability insurance, for instance, can cover medical expenses and legal fees in the event of an ax throwing accident.

Additionally, property insurance can protect against damage to the venue itself. Having comprehensive insurance coverage not only safeguards the business financially but also demonstrates a commitment to safety and responsibility, enhancing the trust of customers and employees alike.

Implementing Safety Measures

Preventing axe throwing accidents involves proactive safety measures. Clear guidelines should be established and communicated for throwing an axe, including proper techniques and safety protocols. Regular inspections and maintenance of equipment and facilities are essential to ensure a safe environment. Training staff to handle emergencies and provide proper guidance to participants can further reduce the risk of accidents.

Additionally, imposing age restrictions and considering alcohol policies in axe throwing bars can be effective in minimizing risks. Implementing these safety measures is not just a business necessity but a moral obligation to protect patrons and staff.

Learning from Incidents

The incident at BullsEye Axe Lounge is a crucial learning opportunity. Such events shed light on potential vulnerabilities and prompt businesses to reassess their safety protocols. Analyzing these incidents helps identify gaps in safety measures and training, allowing for improvements. It's essential for axe throwing venues to not only comply with existing safety standards but also to continuously evolve these practices based on real-world experiences.

The Role of Regular Training and Maintenance

Ongoing training for staff in safety procedures and emergency response is vital. This training should be periodically updated to reflect any changes in safety standards or operational practices. Additionally, regular maintenance of equipment and the facility ensures a safe environment, reducing the risk of accidents due to equipment failure or environmental hazards. Consistent attention to these areas helps in preventing axe throwing accidents and maintaining a high standard of safety.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Businesses must be aware of the legal implications of axe throwing accidents. Liability issues can arise if it's found that the venue did not adhere to safety standards or was negligent in its operations. Ethically, businesses have a duty of care to their customers and staff.

This includes providing a safe environment and being prepared to respond effectively to any accidents. Understanding and fulfilling these legal and ethical responsibilities is paramount for any business involved in recreational activities like axe throwing.

The Future of Axe Throwing Safety

As the popularity of axe throwing continues to grow, so too will the focus on safety. Future trends may include stricter regulations, advanced safety equipment, and more rigorous training requirements. Businesses should stay ahead of these trends, continuously seeking ways to improve safety and reduce the risk of axe throwing injuries. Staying informed and adapting to these changes will be key to the long-term success and sustainability of axe throwing venues.


Axe throwing offers an exciting and unique experience, but it comes with inherent risks. The incidents in Illinois and Colorado are a stark reminder of the importance of safety in this sport. By understanding the risks, implementing robust safety measures, ensuring proper insurance coverage, and learning from past incidents, businesses can significantly reduce the likelihood of accidents.

Regular training, maintenance, and adherence to legal and ethical standards further reinforce this safety net. As the industry grows, staying proactive and vigilant in safety practices will be crucial for the continued success and enjoyment of axe throwing venues.

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