News | World Insurance Associates, LLC

Malpractice Insurance for Addiction Counselors

Written by Craig Skerpac, MBA | May 8, 2018

Substance abuse is an extremely devastating epidemic, and a very hard habit to break. As a result, there is a high demand for professional counselors to help treat these illnesses.

Addiction counselors deal with very fragile circumstances. The triggers and harmful situations influencing addicts might change rapidly. As a result, mistakes might occur, no matter how well therapists handle their work. Should harmful allegations arise, they could threaten the therapist’s business. Having the appropriate professional liability insurance might come in handy in these cases.

Getting the Appropriate Liability Insurance for Addiction Counselors

Addiction counselors operate in all types of medical settings. These might include private practices, large facilities and rehabilitation centers. They might provide advice, coping techniques and other care for those with addictions.

As a result, therapists’ usually impact the lives and actions of their patients. Most counselors hope they will have positive effects on their clients. Still, there’s always a chance that their advice could go unheeded. It might also face misinterpretation. Let’s take a look at when this might happen.

A young person might see a counselor for their abuse of prescription medication. While the therapy might prove perfectly ethical, it might not help in the end. A few months later, the patient dies of an overdose. Their family might allege that the therapy actually further harmed their loved one. As a result, they might sue the therapist for negligence.

Lawsuits might prove devastating to therapists and any business that employs them. They might result in lost wages, legal costs and reputation damages. The harm might ruin the therapist’s ability to practice. The eventual results might ruin a therapist’s solvency.

Yet, therapists can avoid the losses that might result from such claims. Effective professional liability insurance or malpractice coverage might cover the therapist's legal and recovery costs. It will often help therapists if the allegations prove accidental or even unfounded.

Keeping Your Clients Safe

Therapists should not engage in practices that negligently or maliciously harm addiction patients. Such actions might prove criminal, not to mention unethical. Training should always trump the temptation to engage in risky practices.

Therefore, therapists should carefully implement treatment and consent plans for addiction patients. Every case should receive consideration to the minutest detail. Your records should reflect the course of treatment. Give your patients the care and support they need. They will likely rely on your expertise.